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Kritikker (4)
Tor Andreas S.

hehe..du er glad i grønt? =)
Borgni R.

Dette var tøft! Knas farge og utrulig kul bakgrunn. Likar utsnittet kjempegodt:) Bra at fargen på kjolen går igjen på neglelakken. Det einaste eg ikkje likar er mønsteret nederst på kjolen, men det plagar meg ikkje:)

- Borgni
Georg K.

That's photography in a very likeable way - attractive in it's display since interest seeking, eye-opening - and not fully explored within one round of viewing.
Setting like a statement - means - there is something coming along with - and with lust for details - in this case the ones in the background - all in possible relation's to the main subject.
Now - it is not said that every detail - every of the small pictures on the wall do need - were meant to make an own statement in connection - but the photo is opening this option, is asking, or offering this as an option.
And this is fun - it makes the viewer to search, try to match - test, taste the results - trying an other one etc.
The small photo's are of interesting nature - as much as I can see very much advertisement, a specific style - using a kind of high-profiled self-confidence as a starting point - and using unexpected relation's again as contrast builder - all this to be seen in contrast - or enhancement to the figure in green.
Like said before - green is a main-impression, a first hand impression - an intense, and still not dominating starting point.
To me it is simply an image, which creates lust as a follower of interest - an image that delivers.
Pretty nice actually.
Elisabeth N.

moro..men ville kanskje kuttet enda mer opp!...sånn at du ikke fikk med stroppene..men ellers et fint lite virrvarr av farger!=)det blå i øverste venstrekant er og litt distraherende..
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