Bildet inngår i albumet Mennesker-portretter -
  • Bronica
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  • Blender-
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  • Annettatt med en ''red-head'' (tungsten-lampe)
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Kritikker (3)
Amund Blix A.
Mmmm, dette var lekkert. Liker dette!

Lysår bedre enn bilde nr. 203369

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Georg K.
When quite often my internal conclusion about an image is tanned by the general point - hmm, why not using a ''basic'' approach of photography - since I experience large amounts of ''experimental'' photography as demanding - in this case it is relative easy to settle with a positive response, reaction.
There is a little bit of '' decoration'' helping this image on it's way ( I like the unclear frame around ) it is mainly the reduction the image includes.
When looking at this image the main ''fox-points'' are eyes ( closed ) and the line of the mouth ( closed too ) - they together indicate a specific mood ( or what the viewer is able to interpretate as such ) - and this again is well kept by this image, in this special presentation.
When leaving the urge to make a statement in terms of general quality behind - and concentrate just on the reaction when viewing this image - it must be said that it is actually satisfying, it carries a harmony - which is just a balance between presentation and expression - and it does not collide with a potential perception of the content.

Trouble is - this is solely based on how I experience this image - so, it is nothing what can be understood as any help for you - other than one more person did like your vision of this face, moment.
Avsluttet .
Veldig sart og delikat.

Elsker stemningen i portrettet som er annerledes og spennende.
Det eneste jeg kunne ønsket meg var en litt tydligere munn, kanskje. Er litt usikker på det egentlig.

Ble faktisk inspirert til å prøve noe lignende selv!

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