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Kritikker (3)
Knut-Inge J.

Oi...håper dette gjekk bra. Politibilen/mannen understreker alvoret i situasjonen. Bra fanga dette. Eit endå høgare kamerastandpunkt hadde kanskje gjort seg, men kanskje ikkje så enkelt å få til.....?
Georg K.

Well seen - might not be the motif everyone is jumping on - but it is a good image, really telling a story.
even though the story isn't as dramatic as the pictured elements might make one believe, since it seems a more regular routine control, the marks on the pavement don't look like the typical evidence of a crash, more like blocked wheels on a trailer behind a tractor - one might wonder about the direction of them.
Anyhow - as an image it works great, something what is not often seen in this clarity and consequence.
Nice seen - nice captured
Danny T.

Thanks for your kind words Georg.
You're right about the lack of dramatic here. It's a regular routine control, and the marks are probably from some youngster out playing with their cars. This is captured in a rural place, in between two small city. Never the less, made a nice picture:-)
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